When we check into a hotel, there are many things on our minds. We think about the room’s security, cleanliness, and the amenities it offers. But have you ever thought about where to put your luggage? Well, here’s a tip: place it in the bathtub. I know it sounds strange, but trust me, it’s the safest place for your belongings, especially when it comes to bed bugs.

Bed bugs can be found in even the highest-rated hotels. These little insects are notorious for hitching rides on every surface they come across. So, it’s wise to keep your luggage away from them until you can make sure they’re not in your room.

You might be wondering, why the bathroom? Well, according to experts, bed bugs are least likely to be found in the bathroom. Guests spend the least amount of time in there, and most surfaces are hard and nonporous, making it difficult for bed bugs to hide. Additionally, bathroom items like bathmats and towels are regularly cleaned, reducing the chances of bed bugs making a home there.

So, where are these insects usually found? Bed bugs tend to hide in places where people spend long hours, like beds and couches. They prefer dark and flat surfaces to hide during the day and come out to feed on your blood at night. Headboards, mattresses, creases, and folds are all common hiding spots. They can even hide in dressers and closets.

But what if your room already has a bed bug infestation? Before packing your luggage, take a moment to inspect it with the flashlight on your phone. Make sure to check folds, creases, zippers, tags, and any other concealed areas. If your luggage does get infested, wrap it in a large garbage bag to prevent the bugs from spreading further until you can properly dispose of them.

When you get home, it’s crucial to unpack immediately to avoid bringing bed bugs into your home. These insects will hide away until the coast is clear. To eliminate any potential bed bugs, put your clothes in the dryer on high heat for 45 minutes. Cleaning your clothes is essential because bed bugs can survive for over a year without a meal, and you don’t want them infesting your wardrobe.

So, next time you check into a hotel, remember to put your luggage in the bathtub. It may seem odd, but it’s a small step that can save you from dealing with a bed bug nightmare. Stay safe and enjoy your trip!