
Disney, the beloved entertainment giant, may have overlooked some problematic content as it rushed to launch its streaming service. In an era where the #MeToo movement has shed light on issues of sexual abuse and power imbalances, people are more aware than ever. One scene from a 1994 comedy called Blank Check has caused outrage among viewers, leading to canceled subscriptions and disappointed fans.

In this scene, an adult woman in her thirties, played by Karen Duffy, shares an uncomfortable kiss with an eleven-year-old boy, played by Brian Bonsall. The film follows the story of Preston Waters, the fifth-grader, and FBI agent Shay Stanley. This particular scene has been labeled “the most awkward scene ever” by many who have seen it.

Blank Check, a movie that had faded into obscurity, has now found a cult following among those who are disturbed by its depiction of child molestation. Disney+ subscribers are rightfully upset that the platform, known for its famous animated films, allowed the sexualized portrayal of a young boy in this 1994 film.

TikTok user Rob Anderson drew attention to the troubling scene in a video. Anderson highlighted Disney’s focus on an inappropriate relationship between an adult and a child, as the characters share a romantic kiss and plan to go on a “date” in six years when the boy is older. The FBI agent’s kiss is meant to serve as a reminder for the child to save his love for her.

Anderson’s video showed his genuine shock as he watched Blank Check on Disney+. This movie was meant to be family-friendly, yet it promoted inappropriate relationships between preteen boys and adult women. It is no wonder that instances of sexual relationships between teachers and students have increased when content like this is on display.

Viewers were quick to comment, expressing their disbelief that the director would force an actress to kiss a young boy. However, it appears that Disney deemed this scene appropriate when the movie was made. Furthermore, Disney approved the airing of Blank Check on Disney+ in 2020, exposing a new generation of children to this problematic content.

Fortunately, whistleblowers like Rob Anderson are here to expose the dark actions of big corporations and government institutions. These actions should not go unnoticed.

People took to Twitter to share their shock and disappointment. One user wrote, “Watching Blank Check on Disney+ has got me shook. An 11-year-old child really takes a grown woman on a date, and by the end of the movie, she kisses him ON THE LIPS!!! 90s movies were really wild.”

Another user expressed their disbelief, saying, “I’m honestly shocked Disney+ put up Blank Check. A grown woman is the love interest in this movie, goes on a date with and kisses a pre-teen boy!!!!!! The 90s were wild.”

The outrage is evident and understandable. It is essential for media companies like Disney to take responsibility for their content and ensure it aligns with societal standards and values. Parents and viewers deserve to feel confident that what they are watching is appropriate and respectful.