A 30-year-old woman faced a challenging situation during her boyfriend’s family Thanksgiving. In search of advice, she turned to Reddit to share her story. Let’s unravel her experience and determine if she was at fault.

A Family Attached to the Past

The woman’s boyfriend had recently ended a long-term relationship with his high school sweetheart before they started dating. While he had moved on, his family members were still emotionally attached to his ex-girlfriend. In particular, his mother was heartbroken over the breakup, as they had all grown up together. She considered the ex-girlfriend to be a part of their family.

Name Mix-up

As understanding as the woman was about the situation, she faced difficulties with her boyfriend’s mother. For the first year, she would call her by the ex-girlfriend’s name. Even when she eventually stopped using the wrong name, she consistently referred to her as Jenny instead of Janet.

Thanksgiving Trouble

During Thanksgiving, things took an even more challenging turn. While attending a barbecue at her boyfriend’s sister’s home, his mother sarcastically suggested that she should cook the turkey for Thanksgiving. However, once again, she used the wrong name. Though her boyfriend’s sisters found it amusing, the woman decided to take matters into her own hands.

Making a Point

On Thanksgiving day, the woman and her boyfriend showed up without the turkey. She assumed that Janet, the ex-girlfriend, was responsible for bringing it, given her boyfriend’s mother’s previous comment. This unexpected turn of events resulted in a heated argument, tears, and their eventual expulsion from the house.

Seeking Validation and Understanding

After the incident, the woman’s boyfriend stopped talking to her, leaving her uncertain about the future of their relationship. Turning to Reddit for advice, she found solace in discovering that many people stood by her actions. They viewed her refusal to play along as a way of standing up for herself against her boyfriend’s mother’s continual disrespect. Although some suggested she should have confronted the older woman directly, it seemed that previous attempts to address the issue hadn’t been successful.

In the end, the woman realized she wasn’t alone in her frustrations. The Thanksgiving drama may have caused turmoil, but it also shed light on the underlying problems within her relationship and the dynamics between her and her boyfriend’s mother.