As we get older, it’s natural to feel perplexed by the evolving attitudes and perceptions of the younger generation. They might label our parenting style as “abusive” or “strict.” However, let’s pause for a moment and reflect on how things were when we were growing up.

In the past, our parents instilled in us a sense of responsibility and discipline. They taught us the value of hard work and the importance of fulfilling our household duties. By ensuring we attended church and school, they helped us develop a strong moral compass and acquire knowledge for a promising future.

Certainly, there were rules and boundaries. We had curfews, and if we strayed from them, we knew there would be consequences. But we should never forget the care and affection that accompanied these guidelines. When we made mistakes, our parents lovingly disciplined us, ensuring that we learned from them.

Moreover, our parents provided for us, ensuring we had food on the table and clothes on our backs. They taught us the significance of gratitude and not taking things for granted. They also encouraged us to work for what we wanted, teaching us the value of earning and appreciating the things we desired.

Growing up, we absorbed their values – developing a strong moral compass, a solid work ethic, and respect for the law and our elders. These are invaluable lessons that have shaped us into the individuals we are today.

Let’s take a moment to express our appreciation and gratitude to our parents. Despite their unique parenting styles, the foundation they laid for us has played a crucial role in shaping our lives.