Little Boy Coughs For Five Years Until Doctors Finally Pull This Out Of His Throat

For the past five years, Marley Enjakovic, an eight-year-old boy from Adelaide, Australia, has been suffering from a persistent cough and breathing difficulties. Various doctors had given him different diagnoses, including asthma and allergies. However, it was only recently discovered that the root cause of his symptoms was a tiny plastic toy that had been lodged in his throat since he was a toddler.

It all started when Marley was three years old and accidentally swallowed a plastic flower. Unfortunately, neither Marley nor his parents realized that he had swallowed the toy until he had already gone through countless treatments for his cough and respiratory issues.

In December, Marley’s cough worsened, and he started having trouble breathing. Concerned for their son’s well-being, his parents rushed him to the hospital. Marley was admitted to the intensive care unit, where doctors finally identified the cause of his cough – the plastic toy lodged in his throat.

The surgeons successfully removed the toy, and Marley, speaking from his hospital bed at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital, explained how he felt about having a plastic toy stuck in his throat for five years. Though he didn’t speak much, he said it felt like “nothing” to have the toy wedged there.

Marley’s mother, Skye, recalled how her son would have severe coughing fits while eating. These fits would last for hours, and it was a terrifying experience for both her and Marley. She also mentioned that Marley’s health had been declining, and he struggled to keep up with his peers in sports activities due to the blockage in his throat.

Initially, doctors had diagnosed Marley with asthma, but Skye doubted this diagnosis because Marley experienced coughing after eating and drinking, which is not typical of asthma. Skye was shocked to learn that a toy had been causing her son’s throat blockage but also relieved that it wasn’t something more serious.

Reflecting on the experience, Skye emphasized the importance of advocating for your child’s health. She encourages other parents to keep pushing for answers if they feel something is wrong. Skye is grateful she did because it led to the discovery of the toy and finally finding relief for Marley.

“I was absolutely shocked. But also really relieved, to be honest, because out of all these years, I finally had an answer,” Skye said. “My message to other parents is that if you feel like there is something wrong, just keep pushing for it. I am so glad I did because it means I have him today.”

Marley’s story serves as a reminder to always trust your instincts and persist in seeking answers when it comes to your child’s health.