Planning a wedding is supposed to be a joyous time for couples. But sometimes, unexpected surprises pop up along the way that can put a damper on things. One woman recently experienced one of those surprises when her fiancĂ© revealed that he didn’t want her to wear a white dress on their wedding day. Let’s take a closer look at their story.

The woman, who goes by the username “OOP,” took to Reddit to seek some advice after her fiancĂ©, Ryan, expressed his objection to her wearing a white dress. OOP had been with Ryan for six years and engaged for eight months. She had been handling most of the wedding planning, with Ryan giving his input here and there.

A month ago, Ryan brought up the topic out of the blue, mentioning that he had talked to some of his coworkers and believed that OOP shouldn’t wear a white dress. This puzzled her, as she couldn’t understand why he had such a strong opinion about it. OOP thought it might have something to do with the artistic aspect of the wedding photos, but she was set on wearing white. Ryan seemed a bit annoyed but let the issue go.

Two weeks later, OOP finally picked and purchased her dress. However, this led to a heated argument with Ryan. He was visibly annoyed and demanded to see the dress, but OOP refused, wanting it to be a surprise. When she revealed that her dress was white, Ryan became furious.

OOP was confused and couldn’t understand why wearing white was such a big deal. After all, it is a common tradition for brides to wear white on their wedding day. When she asked Ryan what color he thought she should wear, he suggested red. This only added to her confusion, as red seemed completely out of place for a wedding. Ryan explained that brides only wear white if they are “pure.”

This revelation brought up some past insecurities for Ryan. They had started dating when OOP was 21 and Ryan was just 20. He had been a virgin at the time, while OOP had one previous long-term relationship. This had caused some issues early on in their relationship, but they had resolved those insecurities and moved on. Now, it seemed that Ryan was bringing it up again.

Ryan even sought support from his mother, thinking she would side with him. However, to his surprise, his mom supported OOP’s choice to wear white. In a heated argument with his mom and OOP, Ryan’s insecurities came to the forefront, and he burst into tears. He still believed that OOP wearing white would be deceiving their guests, claiming that it was different for men.

This incident left OOP questioning whether she should continue with the wedding. She found Ryan’s behavior disgusting, especially since he wasn’t even religious. It seemed clear that his objections were rooted in his own hang-ups about her past experiences before they even met. OOP felt the need to vent her frustrations and sought advice from the online community.

Most of the commenters on Reddit were baffled by Ryan’s thought process. They agreed that his behavior revealed a high level of insecurity that couldn’t be ignored. They also pointed out that if Ryan viewed virginity in such a narrow way, it raised concerns about how he might treat any future daughters they might have. Many commenters encouraged OOP to seriously consider breaking up with Ryan.

It’s clear that this issue has caused significant turmoil in their relationship. Although OOP hasn’t shared an update on Reddit, it’s important for her to evaluate whether she wants to move forward with someone who holds such restrictive beliefs and reacts with such insecurity. Ultimately, she deserves someone who accepts and loves her for who she is, without judgment or preconceived notions.