Ashton Kutcher and Reese Witherspoon were recently spotted on the red carpet together, promoting their romantic comedy film, “Your Place or Mine.” While most people expected to see some chemistry between the two co-stars, their photos told a different story. Kutcher was noticeably hesitant to put his arm around Witherspoon, creating an awkward atmosphere.

The lack of physical connection between the actors didn’t go unnoticed by their fans. Many took to social media to comment on the unusual situation. Some even compared Kutcher and Witherspoon’s promotional efforts to those of Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain, who are known for their incredible on-screen chemistry.

So, what was the reason behind Kutcher’s reluctance? According to the actor himself, it all comes down to protecting his marriage. Kutcher didn’t want to give the tabloids any ammunition to suggest that he was having an affair with Witherspoon. He wanted to avoid any misunderstandings about their closeness on and off the screen.

During an episode of the Chicks in the Office podcast, Kutcher revealed that his wife, Mila Kunis, even got involved in the situation. She texted both Kutcher and Witherspoon, urging them to “act like you like each other.” Kunis was well aware of the potential rumors that could have surfaced from the photoshoot.

Kutcher went on to explain that he finds Witherspoon attractive, but he didn’t want their on-screen chemistry to be mistaken for something more. He was concerned that their natural charm and connection could fuel rumors of an extramarital affair. To counter these speculations, Kutcher opted for a more reserved approach, keeping his hands in his pockets to maintain distance.

It’s important to note that Kutcher’s intentions were not to make the situation awkward. He simply wanted to protect his marriage and avoid any false rumors. Despite the lack of physical affection during the photoshoot, Kutcher emphasized that he and Witherspoon are actually good friends.

In the end, Kutcher’s explanation sheds light on the behind-the-scenes considerations that actors have to navigate. While it may have seemed strange to onlookers, it was a conscious decision made with the best intentions.