Dating can be exciting and fun, but sometimes it can also be a complete disaster. We’ve all had those cringeworthy dates that we’d rather forget. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people have gone through terrible dates, and hearing their stories might just make you feel better about your own dating misadventures.

  1. The Arrogant Stranger

One woman shared her awful dating experience on Reddit. On their first date, her date couldn’t stop talking about himself for an entire hour. He complained about every aspect of his life without letting her get a word in. It was a one-sided conversation that left her feeling unheard and uncomfortable.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, he ordered her food at the restaurant without even asking her what she wanted. He spilled juice on himself because he ignored the bartender’s warning about the difficult-to-open cap. And throughout the evening, he kept criticizing the staff and boasting about his country’s superiority.

When the check arrived, the woman suggested splitting it since he had talked about money issues earlier. In response, he yelled at her. She left money on the table and walked away, but he continued ranting about his country.

To avoid a scene, she agreed to let him walk her home. It was an awkward and silent walk. When they reached her front door, he tried to force himself on her, claiming she owed him. She pushed him away, threw more money at him, and threatened to involve the police. The next day, she shared the story with his aunt, who lived nearby. Consequently, the family cut all ties with her, but she didn’t mind. She made it clear that his behavior was a reflection of his personality, not his nationality.

  1. The Phone Addict

Another Reddit user recalled a date where the girl insisted on dining at an expensive restaurant. Throughout the meal, she was constantly on her phone, taking calls and responding to texts. The waitress discreetly offered separate bills, and he gladly accepted. He paid for his portion and left.

  1. The Quirky Date

A young man, while stationed in the Air Force, was set up on a date with his roommate’s girlfriend’s cousin. They went to the movies with the cousin and her gigantic stuffed rabbit named Pebbles, which she claimed brought her comfort. Afterward, they had ice cream and went to the cousin’s house. Before they entered, she suggested that he kiss not only her but also the stuffed rabbit to avoid jealousy. He went along with it, thinking she was attractive but undeniably quirky.

  1. The Unexpected Family

A man was set up on a blind date with a girl. They met at the theater where he realized she looked nothing like her photos. To make things more awkward, she introduced him to her parents and her nine-year-old brother, who joined them for the movie. Throughout the film, the brother kicked the back of his seat nonstop. Finally, he excused himself to the restroom and drove home.

  1. The Cheap Date

A woman shared her story on Twitter about a date to the London Zoo. To her surprise, her date asked her to pay for her own ticket. He then pulled out a two-for-one voucher, using it for himself and getting in for free.

  1. The Married Man

During a dinner date, a man accidentally dropped his wedding ring while reaching for his wallet. The woman was repulsed by the situation and decided to leave, throwing some cash on the table. She had never lost her appetite until that moment.

  1. The Engaged Dater

On a first date, a woman shocked her date by confessing that she was engaged but unsure if her partner was the right one for her. She said she was going on other dates to see if she might change her mind. The man quickly asked for the check and made a swift exit.

These stories may have you cringing, but remember, bad dates happen to everyone. If you ever find yourself on a terrible date, just know that you’re not alone.