Rockstar Marilyn Manson, once a prominent figure in the music industry, is now facing three separate sexual abuse lawsuits from women. Despite these serious allegations, Manson was recently spotted out and about with his 37-year-old wife, Lindsay Urich. The couple’s stark contrast in appearance was hard to miss – Manson in his signature black attire and leather boots, while his wife wore a green maxi dress and red lipstick.

The three women who have filed lawsuits against Manson are Game of Thrones actress Esmé Bianco, model Ashley Morgan Smithine, and an anonymous woman referred to as Jane Doe. However, it’s important to note that a fourth lawsuit filed against Manson was dismissed earlier this year due to the statute of limitations.

In the midst of these legal battles, Manson is also suing his ex-girlfriend, Evan Rachel Wood, for defamation. The dismissal of the fourth lawsuit was based on the fact that the incidents occurred outside the statute of limitations, dating back to 2010 and 2011.

One of the plaintiffs, Ashley Walters, unfortunately sought legal help too late as the law only protects victims within a certain timeframe. Walters alleges that Manson subjected her to sexual and psychological abuse while she was working for him. Manson, on the other hand, dismisses her claims, suggesting that her only chance of winning the case is through her “creative writing skills.”

Walters describes being forced to stand for twelve hours straight and using cocaine to stay awake during a photoshoot. She also claims that Manson whipped her and others, and even threw a prop skull at Wood with such force that it left a welt on her body. Her lawyer, James Vagnini, firmly believes in her case and aims to expose Manson as a “narcissistic predator and pathological violator,” regardless of the outcome.

Manson argues that the alleged abuse falls outside the statute of limitations because Walters was aware of what was happening to her during her employment and even hid from him to avoid further attacks. Rolling Stone magazine reports that Manson made these claims in new court documents.

These ongoing legal battles have undoubtedly tarnished Manson’s reputation and raise important questions about accountability and justice. While Manson’s rockstar status may have waned over the years, the allegations against him remind us that fame does not exempt anyone from facing the consequences of their actions.