During a recent episode of The View on ABC, Joy Behar, a long-time host on the show, made a comment that surprised everyone. Joy, who had been fired from the show back in 2013, said that she was actually “happy” when it happened. The topic came up because the hosts were discussing an interview Joy gave to Time Magazine last year, where she revealed her feelings about being let go from the show.

Joy’s firing from The View in 2013 was a shock to many, as she had been one of the original hosts when the show first aired in 1997. The network never publicly disclosed the reasons for her firing, but she returned to the program just two years later.

In her interview with Time Magazine, Joy explained that she didn’t take the firing personally. Throughout her career in television and Hollywood, she has faced setbacks and managed to bounce back every time. She said, “I was glad to be fired from The View. I was basically sick of the show at that point for some reason. I don’t even remember why.”

During the episode of The View, Joy defended her comment by explaining that she values having friends at work, and if she doesn’t have that, she wouldn’t want to keep the job. When she was fired the last time, she said, “all my friends had left already,” so she was happy to go as well.

Whoopi Goldberg, who was a co-host of The View at the time of Joy’s firing, playfully teased her in response. She joked, “Really? All your friends left?” before pretending to cry and saying, “It’s okay. I’m cool.” Despite the lighthearted back-and-forth, Whoopi had been hurt by the insinuation of Joy’s comment. However, she clarified that she was only teasing and that they had been friends for a long time.

Joy has confirmed in previous interviews that it was not her decision to leave The View. She had said, “Somebody wanted me gone,” and she didn’t like the direction the show was going at that time.

When it comes to dealing with insults, Joy seems to have a unique approach. Her co-host, Sunny Hosting, mentioned that she doesn’t hold grudges because she often doesn’t remember what happened the day before. Even if someone reminds her of an insult, she simply shrugs it off and stays calm. This ability to let things go has helped her navigate her time on The View.

Joy Behar’s journey on The View has been full of ups and downs, but she continues to bring her unique perspective to the show. Her candidness and ability to move on from conflicts make her a resilient presence on the daytime talk show.