Do you ever encounter unruly children while you’re out and about? It can be frustrating, especially when their parents seem oblivious to their behavior. One man shared his story on Reddit, and it’s a tale of taking matters into his own hands.

The man was standing in line at a Burger King restaurant when a child and his mother joined the line behind him. Everything seemed fine at first, but it wasn’t long before the kid started acting up. He was throwing tantrums, yelling, and even hitting his mother. Clearly, the little one was determined to have his way, and the Redditor felt the need to intervene.

The child’s disruptive behavior was giving the man a headache, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He politely asked the mother to calm her child down, but instead of showing understanding, she lashed out at him. Undeterred, the man decided it was time to teach both the child and the mother a lesson.

As he reached the front of the line, the man made a bold move. He ordered every single pie left in the restaurant, a whopping 23 pies in total, on top of his own burgers. He then took his order and made his way to the exit. Moments later, he heard the woman complaining to the cashier about the lack of pies. When she saw the man enjoying one of the pies, her anger reached a boiling point. But there was nothing she could do as he calmly walked away.

Now, you might be wondering what you would do in a situation like this. Would you feel vindicated by the man’s actions or perhaps sympathize with the frustrated mother? Let us know your thoughts!