When we make choices in life, sometimes we end up regretting them. It’s especially hard when those choices cause us to lose touch with the people we care about most. This is the story of Joey, a young man who left home at 16 to follow his dreams, leaving behind his widowed mother. When he returned 13 years later, he discovered that everything had changed.

Joey had dreams and ambitions that went beyond the rural life he was living. He wanted to become a doctor, but he felt that staying on the farm would prevent him from ever achieving that goal. Despite his love for his mother, Joey couldn’t ignore his own dreams and decided to leave, even if it meant leaving his mother and their life behind.

After years of hard work and struggle, Joey became a doctor. But his success was bittersweet because he hadn’t been in contact with his mother all those years. He longed to share his achievements with her, but the fear of being persuaded to return home held him back. He wanted to have more to tell her before making that call.

Finally, Joey couldn’t wait any longer and decided it was time to return home. He bought a small house for his mother and headed back to his hometown with anticipation. However, when he arrived, he was shocked to find the house deserted and abandoned. His heart sank as he called his mother’s number but received no response.

In a desperate search for answers, Joey continued to look through the empty house. Just as he was about to give up, he noticed a half-burnt letter poking out from the fireplace. It was addressed to him. As he read the words his mother had written, Joey couldn’t hold back his tears. He realized how big of a fool he had been for not reaching out to her all those years.

Determined to find his mother, Joey sought help from their old neighbor. It was revealed that his mother had been taken to the hospital. With fear in his heart, Joey rushed off, hoping his mother was alright.

When Joey entered his mother’s hospital room, her eyes fluttered open, and upon recognizing him, she enveloped him in a tight embrace. Tears of joy streamed down both of their faces as they reunited after so many years.

Joey apologized profusely for not calling or visiting sooner, fearing he had disappointed his mother. But Flora, his mother, brushed aside his apologies. She just wanted to hear him talk and laugh, to have him back in her life.

Joey shared his journey with his mother, from the struggles in the city to becoming a doctor, thanks to a scholarship. He made plans to rebuild the farm and insisted that Flora move in with him until the farmhouse was restored. Flora agreed without hesitation. After years of separation, neither of them wanted to be apart again.

This story reminds us of the importance of communication, forgiveness, and the love between a mother and her child. It teaches us that it’s never too late to reconnect with the people who mean the most to us. So, let this story inspire you to reach out to your loved ones and brighten their day.