Choosing a baby name is a special and personal decision for parents. It’s a name that will become a part of their child’s identity and will be carried with them for the rest of their lives. For one mom, though, her choice of a name has caused quite a stir among her family and friends. They are urging her to change her baby’s name as soon as possible.

Josie King, a 27-year-old mother from Devon, United Kingdom, recently called into The Jeremy Vine Show to share her baby’s name. To the shock and horror of many, she revealed that she named her seven-month-old son Lucifer. This name has led to Josie receiving a barrage of hateful comments from people all over the world. However, she is determined to stick with the name despite the negative reactions.

It’s important to note that Josie is not a religious person and does not associate the name Lucifer with the devil. She found the name in a baby name book and simply liked the sound of it. In fact, the name itself means “bearer of light” in Latin, which Josie thought was a fitting name for her miracle son. She views the name positively and doesn’t see any connection to Satan or the underworld.

During her appearance on The Jeremy Vine Show, Josie defended her choice, stating that she had no intention of causing harm or offense with the name. She believes that people’s religious beliefs and real life should be seen as separate entities. Josie wants others to understand that her son’s name is not meant to be associated with the devil.

Despite her explanation, many people were angered by Josie’s choice of the name Lucifer, as they naturally connect it to the devil. However, it’s important to consider Josie’s unique situation. She had experienced the loss of ten other children due to miscarriages in the past. When Josie found out she was pregnant with her “miracle baby,” she wanted to give him a meaningful name.

Josie shared that she underwent a difficult pregnancy, having been diagnosed with hemiplegia, a condition causing paralysis on one side of her body. She looked at countless baby names, knowing that this would be her last chance to have a child. Originally, she planned to name her baby Narnia if it was a girl. However, when Josie discovered she was having a boy, she decided on the name Lucifer. Josie believes that ultimately, the choice of a name is a personal one and should not be dictated by others.

In the end, Josie is standing firm in her decision to keep her baby’s name as Lucifer. She acknowledges that not everyone will agree with her choice, but she believes it is the right name for her son. The name holds a special meaning to her and represents the miracle of his birth.

So, do you think Lucifer is an appropriate baby name?