Mom Says She’s Been Unable To Sleep After Spotting "Chilling" Detail In Photo Of Her Son

During a recent family outing at Plessey Woods Country Park in Northumberland, Laura Watson, a 39-year-old mother, captured a photo that has left her unable to sleep at night. The photo shows a ghost-like figure of a child standing behind her son.

Watson, a medical receptionist, was baffled by the eerie figure and couldn’t explain its presence. She insists that no one was standing behind her son when the photo was taken and denies any form of digital alteration.

It was only when Watson reviewed the picture at home that she noticed the ghostly child. This discovery has sparked speculation about the identity of the figure. Some believe it could be the spirit of a boy who tragically drowned in the woods many years ago.

Although unaware of the woods’ history, Watson hopes that the presence she captured in the photo isn’t lingering around her family. Despite the unsettling experience, she remains open to the idea of returning to the woods. However, she is eager to move past this incident.

To learn more about this chilling photo, watch the video below.