Have you ever noticed how some things just tug at your heartstrings? There’s something incredibly touching about the combination of a young child and a man in uniform. That’s probably why this clip we’re sharing with you today has become so popular. It’s a classic television commercial from 1997 that went viral online.

In the clip, a little boy approaches a Marine guard and asks him if he is Santa Claus. Now, if you know anything about Marine guards, you’ll know that they are highly focused on their duties. They are trained to stand guard, alert for any potential danger. So it’s no surprise that the guard doesn’t even look down or respond to the boy’s question.

But the determined little boy doesn’t give up. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his Christmas list, hoping that the guard will read it and bring him the gifts he dreams of. Even though the guard continues to keep his gaze forward, he softly extends his left hand and the boy places the list in it.

This heartwarming clip is actually an advertisement for the Marine Corps’s Reserves Toys for Tots program. This program, which began in 1947, collects new, unwrapped toys during the holiday season to distribute to underprivileged children on Christmas.

If you want to experience the emotional impact of this video for yourself, watch it here. But I must warn you, have your tissues ready!