Are you constantly bothered by nasal congestion or sinusitis? If so, then this carrot orange juice recipe is perfect for you. Not only is it delicious, but it also contains powerful ingredients that provide immediate relief.

Many nasal and sinus problems are caused by sensitivities to chemicals in our environment or our daily products such as perfumes, shampoos, and cleaners. Additionally, certain foods like animal products, wheat, sugar, and processed foods can also trigger these issues.

I personally experienced a significant improvement in my nasal congestion when I eliminated dairy products from my diet. In fact, my digestion improved and my stomach bloating reduced as well. Dairy products tend to create an excess of mucus in the body, which directly clogs the sinuses and makes breathing incredibly difficult.

This juice recipe is packed with powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that help to open up the airways and clear mucus from the sinus cavities. Moreover, it is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that promote overall good health.

Carrot Orange Juice Recipe


  • 6 large carrots
  • 3 oranges, peeled
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • 2 inches fresh turmeric root
  • 2 inches fresh ginger root

Simply run all the ingredients through a juicer and drink the juice immediately. It’s that easy!

Give your sinuses the relief they deserve with this refreshing and nourishing juice. Enjoy!