As parents, we all want the best for our children. We strive to raise them to be responsible and well-balanced individuals. And sometimes, that means being resourceful and creative.

Sending our children off to school can be a stressful experience for them. They are faced with various challenges and it can be tough for them not to succumb to negative emotions.

One teacher, Amanda Cox, understood the struggles her students were facing. She knew she had to be a positive influence and help boost their self-esteem. However, she also realized that parents play a crucial role in supporting their children’s emotional well-being. One young boy in her class showed just how far his mom was willing to go.

One day, Cox noticed that she was running low on pencils. She asked her students to take out the pencils they had, and they all complied. There was one student who often brought pencils from his mother and he asked the teacher if he could keep them. Cox agreed.

Eventually, the student decided to share some of his pencils with his classmates. Cox went to sharpen the pencils and that’s when she discovered his little secret. The boy’s mother had been writing positive messages on the pencils and sending them to school with her son.

When Cox saw what the mother had done, she couldn’t help but be touched. She asked if she could see the rest of the pencils and was amazed by what she found. The messages on the pencils were heartwarming and uplifting. They included phrases such as:

  • “You are so talented”
  • “This will be a great year”
  • “You are creative”
  • “You are phenomenal”
  • “Never give up”
  • “You can do this”
  • “You are very knowledgeable”
  • “You are a math whiz”
  • “You are intelligent”
  • “Proud of you every day”
  • “I love you!”
  • “You have a brilliant mind”
  • “You are wonderful”
  • “You are a problem solver”
  • “Follow your dreams”
  • “You are perfect”
  • “I love you!”
  • “I am proud of you”
  • “You will change the world”
  • “You are amazing”
  • “You are the best”
  • “You are important”

Moved by what she saw, Cox decided to share the story on Facebook. She expressed her wish for every student to have access to such positive messages from their parents.

She said, “This probably took his mom a few minutes to do, but it lit up his whole day at school. He wasn’t embarrassed that his mom wrote on his pencils. Thanks to his mom, he was reminded of his self-worth and wanted to share the same feeling with his classmates.”

Cox also reminded parents that they are probably the only ones telling their kids what they need to know. This beautiful moment truly encapsulated why she loved to teach.