Oprah Winfrey, the billionaire media mogul, is not one to shy away from displaying her wealth. Like many other American billionaires, she has access to a world that is out of reach for ordinary people. However, this has drawn the criticism of outspoken radio talk show host Howard Stern. During a recent episode of his show, Stern expressed his disapproval of Oprah Winfrey, claiming that she loves flaunting her massive fortune without any trace of embarrassment.

The 68-year-old Stern, discussing the matter with his co-host Robin Quivers, remarked, “It’s mind-blowing when you follow her on Instagram.” According to him, when you browse through Oprah’s social media accounts, you are bombarded with images of her extravagant estates, stunning gardens, and the people who cater to her every need.

Stern went on to say, “She’s not embarrassed by her wealth at all.” He questioned whether Oprah is aware of the struggles faced by many others who are not as fortunate as she is. His main bone of contention seemed to be the fact that Oprah proudly showcases her access to wealth and shares glimpses of her lavish lifestyle with her millions of followers.

On the show, Stern also had a back-and-forth exchange with Robin about Oprah’s wealth. While he felt that Oprah’s displays lacked self-awareness and were offensive to poor people across America, Robin defended Oprah’s actions by stating that she is simply sharing her life and not intentionally showing off.

Stern seemed adamant in his belief that Oprah should be more conscious of the less fortunate. He argued, “You have to be a little self-aware and consider the struggles of others, Robin. You need to think about those who don’t even have enough to eat. Come on, show a little awareness.”

Robin, however, countered his argument with a thought-provoking question, “If you don’t display your wealth, does that mean they will get fed?”

Among the things that seemed to irk Stern was Oprah’s lavish garden, which frequently makes appearances on her Instagram feed. He expressed his surprise and even admitted to feeling uneasy when he saw the extent of her wealth. Stern went as far as to say, “Look what’s going on over there? Her estate is unbelievable. When she goes shopping, she goes shopping in her backyard because everything is growing there. There’s a farm in her backyard!”

The question now stands: Do you believe Oprah flaunts her wealth excessively?