Kathie Lee Gifford, known for her openness and authenticity, has faced her fair share of challenges. After the loss of her husband and mother, she struggled to find her voice amidst the grief. But through faith and perseverance, Kathie Lee not only found strength but also the courage to discuss these difficult times.

In a heartfelt interview with the “I Am Second” crew, Kathie Lee shared her journey, including her early aspirations to become a performer. She faced rejection and cruelty in the entertainment industry, but her determination never wavered. Her resilience paid off, leading her to a successful career.

However, her personal life was not without its hardships. Kathie Lee’s marriage to Frank lasted 29 years, but his passing in 2015 left her devastated. Finding him peacefully in their home, she shares, “On a beautiful Sunday morning, I found my husband passed on to Heaven… He saw Jesus and Jesus took his breath away.”

The loss of her mother just two years later further intensified her feelings of loneliness. With her children living far away, Kathie Lee found solace in her faith. She admits that loneliness is her biggest struggle, but she chooses to focus on what she still has rather than dwell on what she has lost. It is her unwavering belief in God that keeps her afloat during these trying times.

While grief may have brought her to her knees, Kathie Lee refuses to let it define her. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, she chooses gratitude. “I couldn’t bear to think about, oh, woe is me, I’m a widow. No. I’m so grateful that Frank is exactly where he is supposed to be,” she shares with a smile.

To those who may be going through their own struggles, Kathie Lee offers words of encouragement. Embrace your uniqueness, she urges, for that is what brings a smile to God’s face. You were made for a purpose, and no matter the circumstances, you can find strength and joy.

As fans watched the interview, they couldn’t help but be drawn to Kathie Lee’s infectious joy. One viewer expressed, “I’ve always loved Kathie Lee Gifford. She exudes such joy, it’s infectious! So glad to see her here.”

Kathie Lee’s journey serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope. Her story is one of resilience, faith, and the power of embracing one’s unique self.