Gardens and yards across the American Midwest are under attack by an invasive worm species from Asia! These pesky creatures, known as Asian jumping worms, are causing havoc in the fertile lands between the coasts. What makes them so dangerous is the fact that they have no natural predators in the United States, allowing their population to grow exponentially and wreak havoc wherever they go.

The damage caused by these worms is significant. As they consume their meals, they leave the soil depleted and in a sorry state. The Asian jumping worms alter the soil to the point where it can no longer retain moisture or essential nutrients, making it vulnerable to erosion. This impacts not only the soil itself but also the plants and animals that rely on it for survival.

Now, you might be wondering, what’s so creepy about these worms? Well, apart from their invasive behavior, their movement is quite alarming. While their name suggests they can “jump,” their actual motion is more of a twisting snap that can give anyone the shivers!

As of 2021, these harmful worms have spread across several states in the heartland of America. If you reside in any of the affected states like Wisconsin, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, Texas, Louisiana, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, or Oklahoma, you must be vigilant.

So, what can you do if you encounter these invasive worms in your garden or yard? The solution lies in taking immediate action to protect your local ecosystem. Simply killing these worms is crucial to prevent them from depleting the soil of its nutrients and leaving the local plants and animals without food. By eliminating their habitat, we can stop their population from growing further.

Brad Herrick, an ecologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum, suggests a simple method to get rid of these worms. Mix mustard powder with water and pour the solution onto the soil. The irritant properties of the mustard powder will force the worms to leave the ground and come out for air. Within seconds, you’ll witness them squiggling out of the soil!

How do you identify an Asian jumping worm? Look for a distinct white ring around its body, close to its head. If you spot one, remove it immediately! Place the worms in a plastic bag and expose them to the sun for at least ten minutes. After that, discard them appropriately.

Remember, it’s crucial not to purchase these worms for bait, gardening, or composting. Additionally, only buy compost or mulch that has been properly heated to reduce the spread of egg casings. High temperatures (above 104 degrees Fahrenheit) are necessary to eliminate these eggs, preventing further infestation.

Together, we can take action and protect our gardens, yards, and local ecosystems from the invasive Asian jumping worms. Let’s keep our soil healthy and thriving for generations to come!