We live in a world that is constantly evolving. The Internet and social media have brought us closer together, despite the physical distances that separate us. However, there are still some who have never even heard of the Internet or experienced the wonders of technology. These secluded tribes have lived in isolation, untouched by the outside world, for many years, if not their entire lives.

G. Miranda took on a project for Survival International, flying drones over various tribes around the world. One of these tribes is the Sentinelese on North Sentinel Island, India, as well as some Amazonian tribes in Brazil. The drones captured truly breathtaking pictures of these tribes and individuals who have had no contact with modern civilization.

The pictures, shared on YouTube in 2018, garnered millions of views, highlighting the immense interest in these secluded inhabitants. It’s not just fascinating to see the tribespeople looking up at the drone; it’s the fact that they have no understanding of what they are witnessing. Their lives remain untouched by technology, making this encounter a true mystery that they will likely talk about for years to come.

Many viewers of the YouTube video expressed astonishment at the vastly different way these tribespeople live. They have no knowledge of cell phones, factories, grocery stores, social media, or even the fact that their images went viral on YouTube. It’s a reminder of the drastic differences in lifestyle that still exist in our interconnected world.

Sadly, these tribes now face a new danger and require protection. FUNAI, Brazil’s National Indian Foundation, is dedicated to implementing policies that safeguard these indigenous tribes. The drone footage serves as a powerful tool in demonstrating their commitment to preserving these unique cultures.

Although some of the pictures date back to 2008, their impact remains the same, regardless of when they were taken. As much as we may wish to meet these individuals face-to-face, the mere knowledge that they exist and are a part of our world is truly remarkable.