When Courteney Cox revealed her new face to the world, it took everyone by surprise. The 57-year-old actress, best known for her roles in Friends and Scream, looked almost unrecognizable after having all of her dermal fillers removed. But Cox wants everyone to know that she made this decision for one simple reason – she wanted to feel and look like herself again.

In an interview with New Beauty, Cox expressed her satisfaction with the results, stating, “I’ve had all my fillers dissolved. I feel better because I look like myself.” And she truly does look beautiful.

As someone who has been open about her struggles with aging in Hollywood, Cox’s decision to remove her fillers sends a powerful message. Many actresses have turned to cosmetic procedures like Botox to meet the industry’s demands. However, Cox hopes to set an example for other women who may be considering going under the knife.

While quick fixes like Botox may make you look younger temporarily, Cox believes that embracing your natural self is the real key to feeling confident and beautiful. She says, “I’m as natural as I can be. I feel better than I’ve ever felt.”

We can’t help but agree. Courteney Cox looks amazing, and we applaud her for embracing her natural beauty. She serves as an inspiration to us all.

In Hollywood, the media can be harsh on celebrities, particularly women. Society often expects women to look their best at all times, while men may get away with a more relaxed appearance. But Cox’s transformation reminds us that we can still look stunning without resorting to drastic measures.

Celebrities like Cox demonstrate that they are just like us, facing challenges, overcoming obstacles, and striving to be comfortable in their own skin. We need more representation of “normal” people in Hollywood – those who don’t look like they just stepped out of a plastic surgeon’s office.

So, do we think Cox looks better with or without fillers? We firmly believe that she is more beautiful than ever, now that she has embraced her natural self. Courteney Cox, thank you for being a true inspiration!