We’ve all experienced the frustration caused by rude drivers on the road. It’s amazing how some people forget basic kindness when behind the wheel. They’re constantly trying to cut others off, fighting for space, all for the sake of gaining a few seconds in traffic. It can be quite amusing to witness their futile attempts to get ahead at the expense of others.

One common scenario where this rudeness comes to the forefront is when traffic gets backed up and merging becomes necessary. Instead of being considerate and sharing the road, drivers often become territorial and refuse to let others in. In the video footage below, we see a perfect example of this behavior. But instead of getting ahead, the rude driver of a Corvette is about to face instant karma.

This video was captured by a driver with a dashboard camera who found themselves stuck in traffic. Ahead of them, a pickup truck is trying to merge into the right lane. Instead of allowing the truck to switch lanes, the Corvette driver decides to block them, refusing to budge. It’s a matter of pride, of proving oneself as the tougher driver, the stronger individual. But is it truly about strength, or is it simply stubbornness?

Not only does the Corvette driver prevent the truck from making its exit, but they also show their displeasure by giving the truck driver the middle finger. However, the truck driver refuses to be a passive victim and decides to take matters into their own hands. In an act of escalating road rage, they rev their massive engine, causing thick smoke to engulf the red Corvette.

As the smoke clears, the driver recording the incident can’t help but burst into laughter. They believe that the Corvette driver got exactly what they deserved. The incident took place in Tacoma, Washington, on a cloudy day at the end of June. Both vehicles involved had Washington license plates.

The individual who captured this road rage footage shared it on YouTube with the following description: “I was driving through traffic near Seattle and noticed a Corvette not wanting to let a Dodge merge over into the lane, so the Dodge pulled beside him. As the Corvette driver was rolling down his window to flip him off, the Dodge owner enveloped him with so much smoke that you couldn’t even see the driver in the car. He did end up letting the truck over.”

Now the question is: What are your thoughts on this footage?