Being thrifty is one thing, but some people take saving money to a whole new extreme. These individuals cross the line from being frugal to being cheap, often at the expense of their children. We’ve gathered some stories from people who grew up with parents that were notorious cheapskates. If you’ve had frugal parents, you’ll definitely relate to some of these tales.

1. How My Dad Scored a Free Bar of Soap with a Clever Trick

When my dad moved into his house, he invited a guy over for a free water filter demonstration. The guy used a bar of soap for the demonstration and left it behind. My dad then proceeded to call at least four other companies for free demonstrations just to keep the free soap. It’s funny to see how these habits worsen with age, but I’ve learned to let him do his thing.

2. My Dad’s Attachment with Paper Towels

My dad hoards paper towels like they’re gold. To this day, I have to ask permission to use them, even though I’m 21 years old. He’s so concerned about wasting them that he treats each roll as if it’s worth a small fortune. One time, my girlfriend and I accidentally spilled a gallon of milk at his house. We grabbed a roll of paper towels and used the entire thing to clean it up. The look on my dad’s face was priceless. He couldn’t hide his pain, anger, and heartbreak over the “wasted” roll.

3. My Dad’s Unique Approach to Saving Every Coin

My dad goes to great lengths to save money. He hangs his clothes up outside to dry, even in freezing temperatures. He never lets anything go to waste. He would even rummage through our trash, looking for anything valuable that we might have thrown away. I once accompanied him on a half-hour quest to find the cheapest gas in town. And when it comes to driving downhill, he takes it to another level by putting his car in neutral and using his foot to push himself down. He even made me choose chicken fries at Burger King because a burger was “too expensive.”

4. Meet the Return Policy Maestro

My father is the king of taking advantage of return policies. He once returned an outdoor furniture set to Costco that we had for eight years. It was weather-worn and some pieces were broken, but they still took it back. He used the money from the return to buy most of a new patio set. Unbelievable, right?

5. Unveiling the Frugal Achievements of My Grandmother

Growing up, I spent summers at my grandparents’ house, and my grandmother was a frugal genius. We only used “the good napkins” when we had company, which meant the ones without restaurant logos. She was a master at finding ways to save money. She clipped coupons and always found a way for someone to take her out for dinner to “return the favor.” She even brought home napkins and food from buffets in her enormous purse. She would never go to a restaurant without a salad bar. One year, we had to drive over an hour just to find a Sizzler she hadn’t been banned from.

With these stories, you can see that being raised by cheapskate parents can lead to some interesting and comical situations. While it may not always be easy, it’s important to find humor in these experiences and appreciate the unique lessons they teach us. After all, life is full of surprises, and sometimes being thrifty can lead to unexpected outcomes.