I understand that not everyone is a fan of snakes. While they are generally gentle creatures, they can sometimes make us feel uncomfortable, especially when they venture into our yards. The good news is, there are various methods to keep snakes away without resorting to harsh chemicals or inhumane practices. Let’s explore some effective ways to make your yard a snake-free zone!

1. Cut Off Their Food Supply

Snakes are attracted to food sources like mice, rats, and even birdseed and fruit. To discourage snakes from coming into your yard, make sure to seal your compost bin properly and place bird feeders at the perimeter of your yard, away from your home. By eliminating these food sources, you’ll minimize the snake’s interest in your yard.

2. Plant Lemongrass

Snakes dislike the smell of lemongrass, and fortunately, so do mosquitoes! Planting lemongrass in your garden not only deters snakes but also acts as a natural mosquito repellent. It’s a simple and eco-friendly way to create a snake-free and bug-free environment.

3. Citrus Solution

Another way to keep snakes at bay is by using citrus fruit, like lemon or orange rinds, to create a natural deterrent. Place the rinds in a jar of water and let them soak for 24 hours. Then, spray the solution on your patio furniture, deck, and porch stairs. The citrusy smell will help keep the snakes away.

4. Maintain Your Yard

A well-maintained yard is less appealing to snakes. Keep your yard tidy by removing weeds and piles of sticks or debris where snakes could hide. Regular maintenance will reduce the likelihood of snakes making your yard their home.

5. Seal Off Your Home

Preventing snakes from entering your home is crucial. Check for any cracks in your foundation and gaps around doors and windows, and seal them off. Don’t forget to ensure your window screens are intact and free from holes. By doing so, you’ll create a barrier that snakes cannot breach.

6. DIY Snake Repellent

Commercial snake repellents often contain harmful chemicals. Instead, you can make your own all-natural snake repellent using cinnamon oil and clove oil. Mix them in equal parts and spray the solution along the perimeter of your home, deck, and any other areas where snakes might hide. It’s a safe and effective alternative.

7. Mothballs

A commonly used method to deter snakes is by using mothballs. These not only repel insects but also act as a snake deterrent. Place mothballs around your home’s foundation and back porch. However, please note that mothballs can be poisonous to children and pets if ingested, so make sure to keep them out of reach.

8. Relocate Them

If all else fails, you can use humane snake traps to catch any persistent snakes and release them back into the wild. Place these traps strategically around your yard, and once you have caught a snake, release it in a wooded area far away from your home. This way, you can ensure both your safety and the snake’s well-being.

By following these simple and snake-friendly methods, you can enjoy your yard without worrying about encountering our slithery neighbors. Remember, snakes play an essential role in our ecosystem, so it’s best to keep them at a safe distance while respecting their place in nature.