In the midst of a seemingly endless wait in the grocery line, something unexpected happened to my pregnant wife, Karol. Out of nowhere, a guy barged into her, almost causing her to lose her balance and our cart. My immediate reaction was anger, ready to confront him. But before I could act, Karol had her own plan in mind.

Karol has always had a different perspective on life. Growing up, my mother would often say, “What happens, happens.” It took me a while to understand the truth behind those words. I was never one to let things go easily. I believed in taking matters into my own hands rather than relying on karma.

But meeting Karol changed everything. She showed me how the universe has its own way of balancing things out. In that grocery store incident, Karol didn’t let anger guide her actions. Instead, she chose a different path.

With a mischievous smile and her eyes twinkling with mischief, Karol reached into her purse and pulled out a ripe, juicy tomato. In a split second, she flung it expertly towards the guy, creating a perfect arc in the air. The tomato collided with his chest, leaving him speechless and covered in red juice.

The grocery line fell silent as everyone watched the unexpected turn of events. While the guy stood there, drenched in tomato pulp, Karol remained calm and composed. She continued loading our groceries onto the conveyor belt, unaffected by the chaos she had just caused.

As we walked out of the store, leaving the incident behind us, I couldn’t help but admire Karol’s approach. She showed me that justice doesn’t always come from seeking revenge or retaliating in anger. Instead, it can be found in the simple act of letting go and trusting that the universe will restore balance in its own way.

Hand in hand, we strolled together, and it dawned on me that sometimes, the most powerful form of justice lies in releasing our grip on negative emotions and having faith that the universe has a way of setting things right in the end.