When we come across something unusual, our minds tend to jump to conclusions. It happens to the best of us. But sometimes, innocent people can get caught in the crossfire.

A wife was perplexed when she kept finding long strands of hair in the bathroom sink. Her husband is bald, and she has a pixie cut, so naturally, she questioned whether he was cheating on her.

Confused, she washed away the hairs, but she couldn’t stop thinking about it. She decided not to bring it up to her husband but kept a close eye on the sink. She noticed a pattern – the hairs appeared when she was either at work or away for a longer period of time.

This ongoing situation was driving her crazy. She didn’t want to immediately assume that her husband was cheating on her with someone with longer hair. When she finally confronted him about it, he simply shrugged it off, which only made her more paranoid. Why was he so indifferent about something that seemed so strange? She started to wonder if he was downplaying it to hide the truth.

A couple of days later, it happened again, and she confronted her husband once more. He acknowledged that it was strange but insisted that the hairs must be hers. She knew they were not, but when she pointed that out, he started ignoring her whenever she brought it up.

She didn’t want to jump to conclusions or accuse her husband of infidelity over something so trivial. However, she was exhausting herself trying to figure out how the hairs got there if her husband dismissed it as nothing.

During the lockdown, they hadn’t had any visitors that she was aware of, so she could rule out his sister. The mystery lingered.


After much thought, she decided against setting up a secret camera. Ironically, she didn’t want to betray her partner’s trust. However, she did make a plan to leave work early, something she had never done before. Her boss allowed her to leave after half a day.

As she returned home, she expected to see another car in the driveway or parked on the street. But there was no unfamiliar car in sight. Quietly entering the house, she immediately noticed a pair of unknown men’s shoes in the hallway.

Confused about what to do next – whether to sneak around or make her presence known – her husband walked out of the kitchen carrying two cups of tea. His surprise was evident when he saw her.

Playing along with naivete, she asked her husband how he knew she was coming home early and made her tea. To her surprise, her husband sat her down and explained everything.

At the beginning of the lockdown, his friend – someone she had only met once – had been evicted, lost his job, and had been couch surfing. Over the past couple of weeks, this friend had been coming to their house with her husband’s approval to freshen up and get ready for interviews. He even borrowed shirts and suits from her husband. It turned out that this friend had long hair and a beard.

It became clear that her husband wasn’t cheating, but instead, he had been hiding the fact that his long-haired friend was using their bathroom. After his shower, she had the chance to meet “Dave.” He was a kind man who was going through a tough time. She wished him luck for his socially distanced interview, and he left.

She asked her husband why he hadn’t just told her about the situation. He explained that he was worried about her reaction and didn’t want her to dislike his friend or disapprove of what was happening. He also revealed that Dave was embarrassed about the situation and didn’t want others to know about his struggles. In response, she assured her husband that she would have been understanding and even suggested that they let Dave stay with them until he got back on his feet.

Ironically, the worst-case scenario that she had feared – a stranger living in their walls and using their shower – wasn’t entirely true. Though it was half the case, she was relieved that it wasn’t an unwelcome stranger but rather someone down on their luck who needed help.