Are you ready for a heartwarming moment that will put a smile on your face? Watch this adorable video of a toddler potty training with his dad. It’s guaranteed to make your day!

In the video, this confident little boy proudly announces to his dad that he has indeed peed, not pooped. The joy and excitement in his dad’s reaction is truly priceless – he bursts into happy tears! This hilarious and heartwarming footage quickly became a sensation, and within days it garnered an impressive 10 million views.

What’s even more impressive is that this little boy’s funny voice and his hilarious phrase were completely spontaneous. They didn’t come from a TV show or a movie, which makes this video even more genuine and relatable.

So sit back, relax, and prepare to be filled with warmth and joy as you watch this toddler take his first steps on the path to becoming a big boy. Trust us, you won’t be able to resist smiling along with him and his proud dad.

Ready to experience this heartwarming moment? Simply click on the link below to watch the video:

Enjoy the journey of this adorable little boy as he conquers the world of potty training with the unwavering support of his dad. It’s a reminder that even the simplest milestones in life can make our hearts overflow with love and happiness.