When Lucy lost her husband Ron, she found comfort in living with her son and daughter-in-law. Lucy’s son, Connor, benefited from the rent she paid, and Lucy was grateful for the company.

At first, everything seemed great. Eve, Lucy’s daughter-in-law, was kind and attentive, taking care of the household chores and refusing any help from Lucy. But as time went on, Lucy found herself doing all the work alone and her knees started to ache.

One day, a few days before Christmas, Eve called Lucy and asked her to go grocery shopping and do the laundry. Lucy was taken aback because they usually did these tasks together. It was then that Lucy realized that Eve saw her as a maid rather than a family member. Determined to teach Eve a lesson, Lucy agreed to do the chores but had something up her sleeve.

On Christmas day, Lucy cooked a delicious feast for the guests that were coming over. The house was filled with the aroma of her home-cooked meal. As the guests arrived, they couldn’t help but compliment Lucy on her amazing food. Even Connor was proud of his mother. Eve, however, seemed envious of Lucy’s culinary skills.

After dinner, as Lucy and Eve were cleaning the table, Eve approached Lucy and apologized for taking advantage of her. She admitted that she didn’t realize how much Lucy did around the house and wanted to make it right. Lucy smiled, knowing that Eve had learned her lesson.

“It’s more than fine,” Lucy said. “I just need you to understand that I’m getting older and my knees aren’t what they used to be.”

Eve understood and reassured Lucy that they made a great team. She insisted that Lucy put her feet up and made her a cup of tea. Lucy realized that her revenge had worked, and she was happy to have finally gotten through to Eve.

And so, Lucy’s perfect revenge taught Eve a life-changing lesson about the importance of appreciating and supporting family. From that day forward, Lucy and Eve became a true team, working together to create a loving and harmonious household.

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