Meeting your boyfriend’s parents for the first time can be nerve-wracking. Imagine the pressure of wanting to make a good impression while trying to control your nerves. Well, this is exactly what happened to a woman who went to her boyfriend’s parents’ house for dinner.

As they sat down to enjoy a delicious meal, the woman couldn’t help feeling a bit uncomfortable. Maybe it was the nerves or perhaps it was the broccoli casserole, but she started experiencing some gas pains. It was getting hard to ignore, and her eyes were watering.

Feeling desperate, she decided to discreetly let out a small, dainty fart. To her surprise, everyone at the table heard it. Before she could even be embarrassed, her boyfriend’s father looked over at the family dog, who had been peacefully snoozing at her feet, and scolded, “Skippy!”

Relieved and amused by the situation, the woman couldn’t help but smile. However, a few minutes later, the gas pain returned, stronger than before. Without a second thought, she let out a much louder and longer fart. Again, the father blamed poor Skippy, shouting, “Dammit Skippy!”

The woman’s smile grew bigger—she was getting away with it! But fate had other plans. Just a few minutes later, she couldn’t hold it any longer. This time, she released a fart that could rival the sound of a train whistle. It was impossible to ignore.

Once again, the father directed his anger at Skippy, but this time, with a twist. He exclaimed, “Dammit Skippy, get away from her before she shits on you!”

Needless to say, the woman’s attempts to discreetly relieve her discomfort didn’t exactly go as planned. Awkward? Yes. Memorable? Definitely! It’s safe to say that this dinner will be a topic of conversation for years to come.

Remember, meeting the parents can be nerve-wracking, but sometimes, unexpected moments like these can help break the ice and create lasting memories.