Disgusting medical videos have become quite the phenomenon on YouTube. From pimple popping to cyst draining, earwax removal to back cracking, and even foot callus scraping, there seems to be an endless appetite for these types of videos. And among them is the peculiar act of tonsil stone removal.

Tonsil stones, which are small, pebble-like growths that can be popped out of the tonsils, have garnered quite a following. It’s almost like pimple popping, but inside the throat. Watching the process unfold on video has a strangely satisfying appeal.

For those who are unfamiliar, the tonsils are actually part of our immune system, as explained by the Mayo Clinic. They produce white blood cells and antibodies to help fight off infections. However, they also contain crypts known as tonsillar crypts, which can create crevices. In some individuals, these crypts are deep enough for bits of food or mucus to become lodged inside.

One particular tonsil stone pop video has gained significant traction, with over 15 million views. It delivers a short and straightforward experience, fulfilling the viewer’s desire for a quick and gratifying procedure.