Online influencers have a massive impact on millions of people worldwide. But sometimes, following their advice can lead to disastrous consequences, especially when it comes to cosmetic procedures.

Kim Kardashian promoting a vampire facial

One such incident involved Kim Kardashian, a well-known influencer, who advocated for “vampire facials.” Tragically, this endorsement resulted in three women contracting HIV after undergoing these treatments at an illegal spa in New Mexico.

A vampire facial, also known as a vampire facelift or platelet-rich plasma facial, involves drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and extracting the plasma. This plasma is then reinjected into the face using needles or a microneedling pen.

The problem arose because the spa where these women sought treatment was operating illegally, without proper sanitary measures in place. Consequently, the risk of infection was significantly higher.

Since 2018, the New Mexico spa has been under investigation. Four former clients and one customer’s sexual partner have been identified as HIV positive. Although the spa has been shut down, further complications could arise due to the lack of client contact information.

An inspection revealed numerous unsafe infection control practices at the spa, including improper storage of medical injectables alongside food in the kitchen refrigerator, unlabeled tubes of blood, and discarded syringes in regular trash cans.

It is essential to recognize that many celebrities, including Kim Kardashian, promoted this type of facial. However, this incident serves as a stark reminder that we should always research any procedure thoroughly and not solely rely on the word of an online influencer.

Your health and well-being deserve diligent consideration, so make informed decisions to safeguard yourself from potential risks.