Tom Hanks, the beloved American actor, recently caused concern among his fans when a video surfaced showing him struggling to control the shaking of his arm. Many speculated that Hanks might be dealing with a health issue like Parkinson’s disease. Despite this, Hanks has been dedicated to promoting his new movie, a biopic of Elvis Presley, where he portrays the singer’s manager.

The film, directed by Baz Luhrmann, was filmed in Brisbane, Australia, where Luhrmann is originally from. The premiere of the movie took place on June 4, 2022, along the Gold Coast, just fifty miles from Brisbane. Hanks attended the premiere alongside the movie’s star, Austin Butler, who brilliantly portrays the King of Rock and Roll himself.

During the premiere, Hanks addressed the crowd in Australia and expressed his appreciation for filming on the Gold Coast. However, fans couldn’t help but notice his hand trembling while holding the microphone, sparking concerns about his health. Despite this observation, the audience seemed oblivious to any underlying health issues.

Hanks spoke highly of his time in Australia, mentioning the places he had filmed in the past but stating that none of them compared to the Gold Coast. He even made a playful reference to the Australian liquor store chain, Dan Murphy’s, which delighted the audience.

Throughout his speech, Hanks made an effort to manage the shaking by using his other hand to steady the microphone and occasionally switching hands to give his right hand a break. Despite these actions, Hanks has not publicly addressed his apparent shaking hand.

After the Australian premiere, Hanks returned to the United States in time for the film’s premiere at Graceland in Tennessee on June 11, 2022. The event was attended by Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley’s daughter, who praised Luhrmann and Butler for their portrayal of her father.

Despite the concern surrounding Hanks’s shaking hand, fans continue to support him and eagerly await the release of his new movie.