You never quite know what to expect when you are a police officer. Your day may be going relatively smoothly and suddenly, you are in the middle of the most unusual situation you could possibly imagine.

That is how the police felt at one particular depot but things weren’t exactly as they could have expected. They were being harassed by someone who was making sounds that sounded a lot like a police siren, and then things took a hilarious turn.

There was someone hiding in the trees and they were doing a good job mimicking the sirens, but then they added a little chirp at the end they gave them away. The police suddenly realized that it wasn’t a human that was making the sounds, it was a bird.

The bird comes to the police station on a regular basis in the mornings and the evenings. Sometimes you can’t find it and at other times, it will make the siren sounds quite perfectly. Even some locals will come to hear the bird and hope for a glimpse of it.

Although they aren’t sure what type of bird is making the sound, they feel that it may be a blackbird. Those birds are known for being able to mimic sounds, and this bird certainly has that rare ability.

It all started when an officer noted what seemed to be a siren left on over the weekend. He was concerned about it so he went out to look, but found out it was a bird and not a problem with one of the cars.

Bird Brings Laughter and Joy to Local Police

Now that the bird shows up on a regular basis, it has added a little bit of fun into their daily routine. The police officers have come to enjoy the bird’s presence, finding humor in the unusual situation. It’s a pleasant break from their usual duties and a welcome source of laughter and joy.

The curious locals have also joined in the fun, coming to the police station in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the talented bird. They gather around, eagerly listening to its spot-on siren sounds and cheering with amusement when it adds a chirp at the end. The bird has become quite the local celebrity, bringing smiles to everyone’s faces.

While the police officers aren’t certain about the bird’s species, they suspect it might be a blackbird. These birds are known for their ability to mimic sounds, and this bird certainly showcases its talent with the perfect imitation of a police siren.

Watch the video below to see and hear the bird in action. Prepare for a good laugh and a heartwarming moment as you witness how this feathered friend has brightened the days of these hardworking officers and the local community.