Adapting to the demands of a conventional nine-to-five work schedule can be overwhelming, even for college graduates entering their first professional role. Brielle, a recent graduate from New Jersey, candidly shared her emotional journey as she tried to balance her new job with her personal life.

In a heartfelt video that resonated with over 1.5 million viewers, Brielle revealed the challenges she faced in finding time for basic self-care activities like cooking and showering after long work hours. Her struggle, she emphasized, was not unique to her job but rather a reflection of the demanding nature of the traditional 9-5 work structure.

The response from viewers was overwhelming, especially from those working in the marketing field alongside Brielle. Many called for a transition to a four-day workweek, highlighting the universal struggle for work-life balance. Brielle’s story struck a chord with others who shared similar experiences.

Brielle’s journey to her current position was not an easy one. She spent five months tirelessly job hunting and sending out countless applications daily. She even made the decision to move to New Jersey to be close to her New York-based job, navigating the expensive rent prices in the city.

With tears in her eyes, Brielle described her grueling daily routine, highlighting the long commute to and from work. She admitted that life would be much easier if she lived within walking distance of her job, saying, “I leave here and get on the train at like 7:30 am, and I don’t get home until 6:15 pm at the earliest. I don’t have time to do anything.”

In another video addressed to her TikTok followers, Brielle shared that on some days, she didn’t make it home until 7:30 pm. Exhausted, she just wanted to shower, eat dinner, and go to sleep. Cooking meals and prioritizing exercise seemed impossible.

Brielle believed that working from home would provide a better work-life balance. She acknowledged that things “could be worse” but expressed her frustration at the exhaustion that consumed her after long workdays.

Viewers flooded the comments with their own stories of struggling to find balance between work and personal life. Many sympathized, feeling the repetitive and depressing nature of the five-day workweek. Calls for a shorter workweek were common, with some suggesting that the younger generation should rise to management positions and push for a four-day workweek.

Others highlighted that the traditional 40-hour workweek was designed for a time when one person managed household tasks, which is no longer feasible in today’s dual-income households.

However, not everyone empathized with Brielle’s situation. Some sarcastically welcomed her to “the real world” and “adulthood.” One person even suggested that she quit her job and join the military.

Brielle, in a subsequent video, acknowledged her privilege and gratitude for securing a job so soon after college. She recognized that her schedule would be even more challenging with added responsibilities like children or pets. She extended her empathy to working parents, fully understanding the mental and emotional toll such schedules can take.

Brielle concluded her video with a plea for a change in the current nine-to-five work structure in America. She argued that it unfairly benefits corporations, the wealthy, and influencers who have more flexible schedules. Her message resonated with many others who yearn for a more balanced work-life paradigm in our rapidly evolving world.


im also getting sick leave me alone im emotional ok i feel 12 and im scared of not having time to live

♬ original sound – BRIELLE♉️