If you’ve ever dined out at a restaurant in the United States, you’re probably familiar with the common practice of tipping the server. While it may not be mandatory, it is widely expected. Some people, however, find tipping to be a nuisance, believing that the restaurant should be responsible for paying their servers a decent wage.

But here’s the thing – if the restaurant were to pay their staff more, you might end up paying higher prices for your food. It’s a delicate balance between ensuring fair compensation for servers and affordable dining experiences for customers.

So, what is considered a good tip? Well, generally, an 18% tip is deemed acceptable. Of course, there are people who tip less and those who choose not to leave anything at all. The quality of service may also influence how much you choose to tip.

Recently, a server on TikTok sparked a heated debate by calling out customers who tip less than 20%. He expressed his frustration, stating that leaving a five-dollar tip on a $10 bill when the total is $200 or more is not cute. In the video, he even shared tips on how to calculate a proper tip.

While some people agreed with his sentiment, others felt that he went too far. One person mentioned that they give a good tip because they want to, but his words rubbed them the wrong way. Another individual pointed out that servers should not feel entitled and that inflation affects everyone.

It’s clear that tipping is a sensitive subject which garners differing opinions. Both servers and customers have valid concerns about the practice. Ultimately, finding a balance that ensures fair compensation for servers and an enjoyable dining experience for customers will continue to be a challenge in the restaurant industry.