They say that Disney is the happiest place on earth, but unfortunately, there are times when people do things that ruin the magic. In this particular incident, a Florida man learned that the hard way.

Meet Brent George, a 61-year-old man who thought it would be funny to make fun of a woman with Down syndrome at a bar inside Disney’s Boardwalk Inn. Little did he know, his actions would have serious consequences.

According to reports, Brent walked over to a table where a woman with Down syndrome was sitting in a wheelchair. He started taunting her, mocking the grunts she was making. But he didn’t expect what was about to happen next.

The woman’s family, including her mother Cadence Goldberg, weren’t about to let Brent get away with his cruel behavior. When Cadence confronted him and asked if he was making fun of her daughter, things quickly escalated.

Brent shoved Cadence not once, but twice. That’s when things took a turn for the worse. Cadence’s son, Wesley, jumped in to defend his family and a fight broke out. Punches were thrown, and Brent ended up with bruises on his face and open wounds.

Thankfully, another person at the bar intervened and restrained Brent until the police arrived. Brent was arrested and is now facing four counts of first-degree battery charges. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

It’s a shame that such an incident took place in what should have been a magical and inclusive environment. This serves as a reminder that respect and kindness should be extended to everyone we encounter, regardless of their abilities.

As for Brent, he will have to face the consequences of his actions. Let’s hope that incidents like this serve as a lesson for everyone to treat others with dignity and compassion, especially in a place as special as Disney.