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Woman left in 17-day coma ‘burning from the inside out’ after taking ibuprofen for period pain

Jacqueline Gmack, a 31-year-old woman, recently shared her harrowing experience after taking ibuprofen for menstrual cramps. She described it as a miracle that she survived the ordeal that left her in a 17-day coma and feeling like she was “burning from the inside out.”

Jaqueline Gmack (Jam Press/@jaque_gmack)

Initially, Jacqueline took the over-the-counter medication as she normally would for the pain. However, a few days later, she noticed a mild itch in her eye. The situation quickly escalated when she woke up with blood blisters inside her mouth. Concerned, she went to the hospital where her condition worsened. Her entire face was covered in blisters, and her vision was severely impaired.

She had taken ibuprofen for menstrual cramps. (Jam Press/@jaque_gmack)

The next thing Jacqueline remembered was waking up from the induced coma. She described her condition at that time: “It was like I’d been burned from the inside out. I didn’t know what had happened to me. My entire body was bandaged, my vision was blurred, and I had a tube down my throat, but I wasn’t in any pain. It was then that I realized something very serious had happened.”

She was in the coma for over two weeks. (Jam Press/@jaque_gmack)

It was later determined that Jacqueline had developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a rare condition caused by an adverse reaction to medication. In this case, her body reacted to the ibuprofen, causing her immune system to attack her own skin. This led to agonizing blisters and skin peeling. Without prompt treatment, the condition can be life-threatening.

She was told it was a 'miracle' she survived. (Jam Press/@jaque_gmack)

Doctors informed Jacqueline that it was indeed a miracle she survived. She shared how her family shielded her from seeing herself in a mirror for a few days as they were afraid of the shock it might cause. When she finally mustered the courage to look, she couldn’t recognize herself.

The aftermath of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome left Jacqueline scarred and severely damaged her eyes. She started immediate treatment with an ophthalmologist to try and save her vision, which she will have to continue for the rest of her life. She received the devastating news that she needed surgery urgently, or she could lose her eye.

Since her first operation in 2011, Jacqueline has undergone more than 24 surgeries, including cornea and amniotic membrane transplants, as well as stem cell transplants. Currently, she has around 40 percent vision and requires regular check-ups to monitor her progress.

Despite the challenges, Jacqueline remains resilient. She said, “The most difficult obstacle to overcome is knowing I can never have the vision that I once had. I wish I could find a cure to see again. But I feel like a warrior.”