We’ve all experienced the frustration of using self-checkout machines at the store. These machines, which were introduced to increase efficiency and save money for retailers, often end up causing more problems than they solve. And now, there’s even more reason to avoid them.

Self-Checkout Machine

According to Sylvain Charlebois, director of the Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University, self-checkout machines were primarily implemented for economic reasons and not with the customer’s best interests in mind. In fact, from the very beginning, customers have detested these machines.

Companies like Walmart and Target have invested heavily in self-checkout machines because they can save up to sixty-six percent on labor costs by replacing cashiers. However, studies have shown that these machines frequently malfunction, requiring the assistance of a human worker to ensure a smooth checkout process.

But there’s a deeper issue at play here. Some retailers are accusing innocent customers of theft or shoplifting in order to make more money. They are using the excuse of self-checkout errors to go after unsuspecting customers and force them to pay for their alleged “crimes”.

Criminal defense attorney, Carrie Jernigan, recently took to TikTok to warn people about the dangers of using self-checkout machines. In her video, she reveals that big-box retailers like Walmart are relentless in pursuing customers who may have accidentally forgotten to pay for an item or left it in their cart. These companies will not hesitate to unleash their team of attorneys to make you pay for your “offense” – even if it was an honest mistake.

The truth is, using a self-checkout machine is a risky proposition. Retailers are quick to assume guilt and will go through surveillance footage to pinpoint potential “offenders” based on the last customer who used the machine. They only need minimal evidence to file charges that could land you in jail for up to a year. Suddenly, you find yourself fighting to clear your name and prove your innocence.

So, what can you do to protect yourself? The answer is simple – avoid using self-checkout machines altogether. Opt for a traditional checkout lane where a human cashier can assist you. By doing so, you reduce the risk of being falsely accused and ensure a safer, more reliable shopping experience.

Remember, it’s important to be aware of the hidden dangers that exist in our everyday lives. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and make choices that prioritize your peace of mind.