When 10-year-old Sammy Teusch tragically took his own life after enduring relentless bullying, his family was left devastated. Now, Sammy’s father, Sam Teusch, is determined to fight for change and prevent other children from suffering the same fate.

“This can’t be fixed,” says Teusch. “So I have to create something to fix it for others.”

Teusch is urging people to sign a petition calling on Congress to take action against bullying, a problem that affects countless children across the nation. He also believes that open dialogue is crucial in addressing the issue. “I want to talk,” Teusch insists. “I think the only way the world is going to be fixed is if we fix it through the children.”

Sammy was a bright and adventurous fourth-grader who loved playing soccer, going fishing, and participating in beach clean-ups with his family. However, after moving to Greenfield, Indiana, he became the target of relentless bullying. The torment went beyond name-calling and extended to his size, appearance, and even his mom’s occupation as a custodian.

Despite his parents’ advice to be compassionate and kind, Sammy’s situation continued to escalate. He endured physical abuse, emotional torment, and felt isolated even at school. Teusch recounts instances where Sammy hid under desks and locked himself in the bathroom, desperately seeking refuge from his tormentors.

The bullying took a toll on Sammy’s mental health, especially after he started wearing glasses. The taunting became even worse, and he came home one day with broken glasses, a cut face, and a black eye. Teusch documented the physical injuries to highlight the severity of the situation.

Teusch acknowledges that teaching his children to turn the other cheek and respond with kindness was the right thing to do. However, he struggles with guilt, knowing that it didn’t protect Sammy from the cruelty he faced.

The final straw came when Sammy pointed out one of his regular bullies at his brother’s soccer game. Teusch hoped that confronting the tormentor with support from his father would empower Sammy to stand up for himself. Sadly, it didn’t happen, and the next morning, Sammy was found lifeless in his room.

The pain and loss are unimaginable for the Teusch family. Teusch tried to resuscitate his son, but despite his best efforts and the emergency personnel’s intervention, Sammy couldn’t be saved.

Amid their grief, the Teusch family is determined to honor Sammy’s memory and raise awareness about the devastating consequences of bullying. They have started a GoFundMe campaign that has received overwhelming support. The love and support they have received from their community and people around the country are a testament to Sammy’s impact.

“He’s forever going to be 10,” says Teusch, holding on to the memories of his beloved son. As Sammy’s story spreads, Teusch hopes that it will ignite a conversation and inspire meaningful change to protect vulnerable children from the horrors of bullying.