It’s hard to forget the heart-wrenching image of a plane crashing into the ocean. Recently, footage from years ago resurfaced, reminding us of the tragic final moments of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961. This horrifying incident occurred on November 23, 1996, when the plane was hijacked on its way from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to Nairobi, Kenya.

As the video starts, we see a peaceful scene on the beach, with a man leisurely strolling along the shoreline. However, within moments, the footage takes a terrifying turn. The hijacked plane is spotted desperately trying to land in the water, a desperate attempt to save the lives of the crew and passengers on board.

The hijackers, armed with a fire axe and a fire extinguisher, demanded that the plane change course to Australia. Despite the pilot’s valiant efforts to reason with them, explaining the limited fuel reserves and suggesting a refueling stop in Mombasa, Kenya, the hijackers refused to listen.

Tragically, the plane’s fuel ran out, leading to a devastating crash into the Indian Ocean near the Comoros Islands. The impact claimed the lives of 125 individuals, including the hijackers and six crew members. However, there were also remarkable stories of survival, with 38 passengers surviving the harrowing ordeal.

Captain Leul Abate, the 42-year-old pilot, bravely tried to inform the passengers about the situation before the crash. However, his announcement was cut short by one of the hijackers. Meanwhile, First Officer Yonas Mekuria worked with the cabin crew to prepare the passengers, teaching them the brace position and deflating inflated life jackets.

In their final moments, the hijackers demanded that the captain descend and increase the speed. The captain, aware of the impending tragedy, responded with resignation, saying that it didn’t matter since they were all going to die.

The crash site near the Comoros Islands is a solemn reminder of the lives lost in this tragic event. Experts consider it a partial success, as the captain’s efforts helped some passengers survive—a testament to his heroism and quick thinking.

Despite the immense loss, there is some solace in knowing that the cause of the crash was determined to be the hijackers’ unlawful interference, which resulted in fuel exhaustion. To honor the lives lost, a memorial service was held in Galawa on November 30, 1996.

Let us never forget the passengers and crew members who lost their lives in this devastating event. May their memories live on, and may we always strive for peace and safety in our travels.