Most people may not have a fondness for bees, considering their ability to cause harm with painful stings. However, these tiny insects play a vital role in the survival of every human on Earth.


Bees are exceptional pollinators, responsible for pollinating around 90% of the world’s food crops. In other words, the majority of the world’s population relies on the incredible work done by bees.

Imagine a scenario where bees are no longer around. It would be nothing short of a disaster. The consequences of their absence would be felt within months, and within a few years, it could impact the survival of future generations.

Sir David Attenborough

One individual who understands the urgency of protecting bees and the environment is Sir David Attenborough. He has dedicated his life to this cause and constantly emphasizes the importance of paying attention to this issue.

On Facebook, Sir David shared a simple yet powerful message that made many people pause for thought. He said, “If bees were to disappear from the face of the earth, humans would have just 4 years left to live.”

Although others have also expressed similar concerns, Sir David’s post serves as a reminder of just how critical this issue is. Bees may be small in size, but their absence would create numerous problems for us.

Unfortunately, the bee population has decreased by a staggering one-third over the past five years. We can only hope that this downward trend doesn’t continue.

However, we can each make a small difference to help these essential pollinators. One way is to create a simple sugar-water mixture and leave it in our backyards. By mixing 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar with 1 tablespoon of water and placing it on a spoon, tired bees can easily access this much-needed nourishment.

Another way to contribute is by planting flowers that are beneficial to local honeybees. These small gestures may seem insignificant, but their impact can be profound.

Let us all join together in protecting bees and ensuring their survival. Remember, if the bees die, we all face a bleak future.