Thieves these days are becoming more innovative in their tactics, and one particular method is causing concern worldwide. Imagine this: after finding a potential target for car theft, the thief secretly places a water bottle on one of the car’s wheels as a signal. This low-tech trick is being used by carjackers in various countries, including the United States. It’s important to stay vigilant and protect yourself from falling victim to this scheme.

If You See A Plastic Bottle On Your Tire, Pay Close Attention - News 24/7

The Potential Dangers

When you start your car and begin driving, you may hear an unusual crackling sound coming from one of the wheels. Most drivers would instinctively pull over to investigate the source of the noise. This is when the thief, taking advantage of your distraction, could strike. They may attempt to steal your car while the engine is running or seize the opportunity to grab any valuable items you’ve left behind, such as your phone or wallet.

Car Thief Marking a Vehicle

Stay Safe and Be Aware

To protect yourself from this clever tactic, it’s essential always to be cautious before getting into your vehicle. Take a few moments to check the wheels and ensure that everything is in its proper place. Specifically, keep an eye out for a plastic bottle wedged between the tire and the frame. If you spot one, be aware that the potential car thief could be watching you. It’s crucial not to confront the situation directly, as it could put you in harm’s way.

What to Do if You Find a Plastic Bottle

If you discover a water bottle on your car’s wheel, it’s vital to take immediate action. Follow these steps to safeguard yourself:

  1. Stay calm and discreet: Avoid alerting the potential thief of your suspicion.
  2. Call 911: Dial emergency services covertly and inform them about the situation and your concern for your safety.
  3. Wait inside your car: Remain inside your locked vehicle until help arrives. Avoid engaging with anyone who comes near, as they could be involved in the scheme.

Remember, your safety is paramount. Stay vigilant and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your belongings from carjackers. By being aware of this new tactic and knowing how to respond, you can stay one step ahead and ensure your peace of mind.