Have you ever wondered how your mind can trick you into seeing things that aren’t really there? Optical illusions have a way of playing with our perception and making us question what is real. They are fascinating examples of how our minds work in unique and sometimes surprising ways.

Optical illusion reveals if you are too self critical

Take a look at the image below. What do you see first?

Are You Judgmental or Self-Critical?

This optical illusion went viral on TikTok, thanks to user Mia Yillin (@mia_yillin). Mia asked viewers what they saw first in the image: a crow perched on top of a rock or a face made from small rocks.

The Crow:

If you noticed the crow first, it may indicate that you have a reputation for being judgmental. But don’t worry, being judgmental isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Mia explains that you have a strong intuition, which means that most of your suspicions and assumptions about others are often proven to be true. Trust your instincts, and remember that having strong opinions doesn’t always make you a negative person.

The Face:

If your attention was immediately drawn to the face made from rocks, it could suggest that you are quite self-critical. Being self-critical can sometimes be a defense mechanism to avoid feeling disliked or rejected by others. Mia advises individuals who see the face first to be mindful of their self-critical thoughts. Don’t let them stand in the way of finding yourself and becoming the person you want to be.

Of course, there are varying opinions on the accuracy of these interpretations. Some people agreed with Mia’s analysis, while others disagreed.

Remember, this is just a fun optical illusion and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. It’s fascinating to see how different people perceive the same image in their own unique way.

So, the next time you come across an optical illusion, take a moment to appreciate the incredible capabilities of your mind. Share this article with your family and friends to see what they see in the image. It’s a great conversation starter and a fun way to learn more about each other.

Bored Daddy wishes you love and peace!