When you’ve been in a relationship for a while, it’s easy for the romance to fade away. That’s what happened to me and my boyfriend, Mike. We still loved each other, but our connection was becoming dull. I wanted to remind him of our love and show him how much he meant to me. So, I decided to surprise him with roses at his workplace.

I imagined his face lighting up when he received the bouquet. But instead, he threw the roses in my face and embarrassed me in front of his coworkers. I was hurt and angry, but I didn’t let it break me. I decided to teach him a lesson.

The next day, I planned a surprise for Mike at work. Each of his coworkers received a tulip, a homemade cookie, and a note thanking them for being a great colleague or boss. They were touched by the gesture and realized how lucky Mike was to have someone who cared so much about him.

As the day went on, the atmosphere in the shop changed. Instead of teasing, there was a sense of camaraderie and appreciation. Mike realized that his coworkers were just jealous of the love and support he had.

That evening, Mike apologized sincerely and proposed to me. We started a new chapter in our relationship, stronger and more committed than ever. We learned the importance of communication, surprise gestures, and always appreciating each other.

If you ever feel like the romance is slipping away, don’t be afraid to do something unexpected. Sometimes, a little drama can reignite the spark and remind each other of your love. And who knows, you might end up with a closer relationship and some pleasant surprises.