Have you ever experienced a love affair that transcends the realms of the living? Well, I certainly have. Meet Paola Flórez from Colombia, who claims to have had a 20-year-long passionate fling with a ghost. Sounds unbelievable, right? Let me tell you her fascinating story.

I had sex with a ghost every night for 20 years

It all began when Paola was young. Every night, as she slept, a frisky ghoul would visit her, initiating their intimate encounters. Initially scared, she eventually grew fond of her ghostly lover, cherishing their nightly rendezvous. For two decades, she considered herself a loving partner to this charismatic specter.

However, love can be full of surprises. One day, Paola caught a glimpse of her mysterious lover’s face and discovered something shocking. He had fangs and the face of a gargoyle! This terrifying sight frightened her, and she decided to end the relationship.

Though Paola’s extraordinary account may seem incredible, experts have weighed in on the matter. Psychologist Martiza Montealegre believes that Paula’s case is extremely rare, and such demonic encounters are isolated incidents. On the other hand, parapsychologist Jairo Urbex finds her story credible, suggesting that she may have been involved with an “incubus,” a demonic entity known to drain people’s energy.

While some locals were perplexed and suggested it might have been a satanic spirit, others found humor in the situation. One person joked, “I’ve also fallen in love with a couple of ghosts! Hahaha!” It’s clear that people have different perspectives on this extraordinary tale.

Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, Paola’s story is a reminder that love can be found in the most unexpected places, even beyond the realms of the living. It’s a tale that challenges our preconceived notions and invites us to consider that love knows no boundaries.

So, have you ever experienced a love that defied all norms? Share your stories with us below!