Imagine a sunny day at the golf course, where a group of friends, including a Swede, an Irishman, and a Scotsman, are enjoying a friendly game. Everything seems normal until the wind decides to play a few tricks on their wives’ outfits.

As the Swede’s wife approaches the tee, a gust of wind blows up her skirt, revealing her lack of underwear. Shocked, her husband, Ole, exclaims, “Good God, woman! Why aren’t you wearing any skivvies?” Her response? “Well, you don’t give me enough housekeeping money to afford any.”

Ole immediately realizes his mistake and reaches into his pocket, handing her a 50. He says, “For the sake of decency, here’s some money. Go and buy yourself some underwear!”

Next, it’s the Irishman’s wife’s turn. Unluckily for her, the wind also decides to reveal her secret – she, too, is not wearing any undies. Her husband, Patrick, can’t believe his eyes and exclaims, “Blessed virgin Mary, woman! You’ve no knickers! Why not?” Her response mirrors the Swede’s wife, as she says, “I can’t afford any with the money you give me.”

Feeling the need to rectify the situation, Patrick reaches into his pocket and hands her a 20. He says, “For the sake of decency, here’s some money. Go and buy yourself some underwear!”

Lastly, it’s the Scotsman’s wife’s turn to take her shot. As she bends over, you can probably guess what happens next – the wind lifts her skirt, exposing her lack of undergarments as well. Shocked, her husband, full of concern, asks, “Where the friggin’ hell are yer drawers?” Her response? “You don’t give me enough money to be able to afford any.”

The Scotsman, thinking on his feet, reaches into his pocket and hands her a comb. He says, “Well, for the love ‘o decency, here’s a comb. Tidy yourself up a bit.”

And so, in this comical turn of events, the golfing ladies find themselves with unexpected wardrobe malfunctions, much to the surprise and amusement of their husbands.

Remember, it’s always good to have a sense of humor, even on the golf course!