Apple has finally provided an explanation for a mind-boggling image that made its way across the internet. The photo, taken by writer and comedian Tessa Coates, captured a peculiar moment in a bridal shop that seemed to defy the laws of reality.

As Tessa tried on her wedding dress, she found herself standing between two mirrors, leading to a mind-bending visual effect. In the photograph, Tessa’s hands appeared in three different positions simultaneously, creating an optical illusion that left viewers astounded.

Tessa humorously described the experience as a “glitch in the Matrix” and even jokingly admitted that it made her want to vomit in the street. Social media users were divided between offering congratulations and suggesting she run away from the strange phenomenon.

The image continued to perplex the internet until Tessa decided to unravel the mystery herself. In a follow-up on her Instagram Stories, she explained that she had visited the bridal shop alone and shared the photo with her sister, who noticed the uncanny difference between the three versions of Tessa.

Intrigued by this peculiar phenomenon, Tessa sought answers from an Apple employee at her local Apple Store. However, instead of receiving a straightforward explanation, she found herself causing a stir among the employees. The photo attracted a crowd of 20 people eager to see the bizarre image.

Finally, an employee named Roger came to Tessa’s rescue. He explained the technicalities behind the photo, stating that an iPhone takes a series of burst images in quick succession. In the exact moment that the camera crossed behind Tessa’s back, she raised her arms, resulting in two distinct images. The iPhone’s artificial intelligence then decided to stitch these images together, creating the baffling illusion.

Roger described the occurrence as a “one in a million chance.” His explanation alleviated everyone’s concerns and put an end to the confusion surrounding the photo.

So, the next time you come across a mind-bending image that seems impossible to explain, just remember that sometimes even technology can surprise us with its quirks.