Are you worried about pests finding their way into your bathroom? You’re not alone! Many pests are attracted to the moisture in bathrooms, especially around the toilet seat. It’s important to clean your toilet regularly to prevent any residue from attracting unwanted guests.

5 Creatures That Can Crawl In Through Your Toilet and How to Stop Them

In this article, we will discuss five creatures that can crawl into your house through your toilet and provide you with tips on how to stop them. Let’s dive in!

1. Snakes

Snakes are attracted to cool, wet, and dark places, making your toilet pipes a potential haven for them. They may be lured by the food remnants in the sewer and find their way into the pipes. However, it’s important to note that snakes in toilets are more common in warm countries, so if you live in a cold environment, you have one less thing to worry about.

Most of the snakes that crawl through the pipes are harmless, such as garden or tree snakes. They are slim enough to fit through the pipes. Although there have been rare cases of anacondas appearing in toilets in South America and Australia, it’s not something you should be overly concerned about.

2. Rats

Similar to snakes, rats are also in search of food. If the toilet and garbage disposal share the same pipes in your house, rats are more likely to find their way in. They can swim through the pipes and hold their breath for an extended period, making it easier for them.

To prevent rats from entering your sewage system, it’s essential to avoid flushing food down the toilet. Make sure to discard food remnants in a trash bag and keep the toilet cover closed at all times. Consider installing a rat guard to allow water to exit the pipes when you flush but prevent anything from coming up in the opposite direction.

3. Spiders

Spiders may not be able to swim in your pipes, but they can still find their way into your bathroom through other passages. While some spiders, like black widows, may crawl inside the toilet in outdoor bathrooms without plumbing, it’s not a common occurrence in regular bathrooms connected to a sewer system.

It’s always a good idea to check the toilet seat thoroughly before using an outdoor toilet. Venomous spiders like the black widow, brown recluse, and hobo spider may hide in such areas and can bite you.

4. Lizards

In the Southwest United States, lizards entering through toilet pipes are quite common. These creatures love water and will try to find food wherever possible. If your toilet’s plumbing isn’t kept clean, crickets and other insects, such as flies, can be found in the pipes, making it easier for lizards to enter.

5. Possums

While it may sound surprising, possums have been known to crawl into toilets. They are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for a long time, which enables them to crawl into your toilet. Although this occurrence is rare, it’s still worth mentioning.

Now that we know about these creatures, let’s talk about how to prevent and react to their presence.

How to prevent and react to these occurrences

  • Keep your toilet clean: Clean your toilet often and thoroughly with disinfecting cleaners. You can also use white wine vinegar or baking soda for a more affordable option. Consider using fresheners that stick on the side of the toilet to release a pleasant scent with each flush.

  • Keep it dry: Pests are attracted to moist environments, so make sure to get rid of any standing water on the bathroom floor or in the sink after showering. If you notice any plumbing leaks, call a technician to have them fixed immediately.

  • Clean your pipes naturally: Create a mixture of equal parts sugar, water, vinegar, and a few drops of dish soap. Pour this down the toilet or bathroom sink to clean the pipes naturally. Additionally, you can pour boiling water into the toilet to flush out any potential pests.

  • Call a pest control company: If you’re unable to deal with pests yourself, it’s best to call professionals. They can use heavy cleaners to eliminate pests effectively. After their treatment, you can occasionally pour water mixed with a cleaning solution down the drain to ensure pests won’t crawl back up into the toilet.

Remember, prevention is key! By following these tips, you can minimize the chances of these creatures finding their way into your bathroom.

Have you ever encountered an uninvited guest in your toilet before? We’d love to hear your story!