In a world where helping others is a common instinct, it’s important to stay cautious of new and alarming scams that prey on our kindness.

Woman issues terrifying warning after finding a stroller abandoned on the side of the road

A concerned mother recently took to social media to share a terrifying experience and warn others about the dangers of stopping to assist what appears to be an abandoned baby or stroller on the side of the road.

The Viral Warning

A woman has warned people not to stop if they see abandoned strollers by the roadside

The mother’s viral post included a picture of a seemingly abandoned stroller parked next to some bushes on the roadside. Her urgent message was clear: “If you see a stroller, car seat, or any type of baby situation alone in the middle of nowhere, please, I repeat, don’t get out. Be safe.”

Reactions from the Public

Many people expressed their agreement and shared their own concerns.

The response to this warning was immediate and widespread. Many people expressed their agreement and shared their own concerns. Some highlighted the safety risks, commenting that people might lie in wait to rob or harm those who stop to check on the abandoned stroller. Others noted the economic desperation faced by some families, who may use kids as bait in these scams.

The Modus Operandi

A woman has warned people not to stop if they see abandoned strollers by the roadside

This tactic of using an ‘abandoned baby’ is a method employed by thieves who wait for kind-hearted individuals to stop and check on the stroller. They take advantage of the situation, often resulting in robbery or physical harm to the unsuspecting Good Samaritans.

Not a New Tactic

A woman has warned people not to stop if they see abandoned strollers by the roadside

While this warning isn’t the first of its kind, the recent viral post has gained significant attention worldwide. People from all over have commented on the cruel nature of using a baby as bait. One mother expressed her gratitude for the warning, mentioning that she would have rushed to check on the stroller if she hadn’t seen the post. Understanding the emotional manipulation behind these scams, others also shared their distress.

Alternatives to Stopping

"I would just call the police to have a look at it. It sounds harsh but it isn't worth the trouble."

Given the potential danger involved, many advised alternative actions instead of directly stopping. Some recommended calling the authorities to have them investigate the situation. Others suggested staying in the vehicle and contacting law enforcement instead of physically intervening. This way, everyone stays safe while seeking professional help.

Humorous Reactions

"This stroller was probably dumped by my husband who after two years still can't workout how to fold it for the boot."

While the topic is serious, some people found humor in the situation. One person jokingly suggested that their partner might have dumped the stroller because they couldn’t figure out how to fold it after two years. Another person shared a funny story about how a mom had to leave the stroller behind because her toddler wanted to walk and didn’t want groceries in the empty pram.

Other Similar Scams

The 'abandoned baby' scam is part of a broader trend of deceptive practices designed to exploit Good Samaritans.

The ‘abandoned baby’ scam is just one example of a broader trend of deceptive practices aimed at exploiting Good Samaritans. Other similar scams include the ‘Dead Man’ act, where someone pretends to be passed out on the roadside, and the ‘Screaming Woman’, where individuals scream for help to ambush people who come to their aid.

Real-life Encounters

The 'abandoned baby' scam is part of a broader trend of deceptive practices designed to exploit Good Samaritans.

People also shared their own encounters with such scams and the advice they’ve received from authorities. One person recounted an incident where they pulled over to help a seemingly unconscious man, only to be yelled at by a police officer who warned them about this common scam. Another person shared their experience hearing about women screaming for help, only to realize it was another scam.


Red and White Stop Road Signage

This viral post has gained significant attention, with over 23,000 shares and thousands of comments. It highlights the widespread concern and the importance of remaining vigilant. While the desire to help others is noble, personal safety should always come first. Remember to rely on authorities to handle potentially dangerous situations and to prioritize your own well-being.

In today’s world, scams are becoming more sophisticated, making it essential to stay aware and cautious. If you ever come across an ‘abandoned baby’ or any suspicious situation, prioritize your safety, call the police, and avoid putting yourself in harm’s way.